Take your startup to
the next level
Hire motivated students/new grads in design or product management to help you get to product-market fit faster
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Trusted by 60+ founders from Berkeley, Stanford and other schools.
“We are really happy with the student’s work! This has saved us a ton of time and effort. Thank you so much for the introduction.”
CEO, Stealth Startup in medical tourism
We connect you with students trained in product design or product management
We’ve helped 60+ startups find talent this year.
Trained talent in product design and product management
Motivated students/new grads from leading US schools/bootcamps looking for real-world experience.
Submit a 4-8 week project in minutes
Tell us the help you need and the time commitment you expect from the student (eg. 15 hours per week for 4 weeks).
Pick from a list of qualified and interested candidates
Get student applications in 3-5 business days, and pick one to work with for the duration of the project.
Select work from student portfolio
Frequently asked questions
Everything you need to know about how it works.
Do I get to choose who I work with?
Absolutely! You’ll get a list of interested candidates and you’ll be able to pick one for your project.
What kind of design or product management help do the students provide?
For product design, the students are well-versed in everything in the product design lifecycle, from identifying the right problem to solve (customer interviews, competitive analysis, gathering inspirations), to finding the right solution (brainstorming ideas, prioritizing features, wireframing, user testing, branding, and high-fidelity design and prototypes).

For product management, the students are well-versed in setting the strategy, creating the roadmap, gathering requirements from customers, writing PRDs, and managing the sprint and backlog while working with designers and developers to ship the product.
What happens after the 4-8 week project ends?
You can decide to continue working with the student, or create a new project on Basil.
What is expected of me during or after the project?
We ask that you treat the student/new grad with respect and help them achieve their career goal as much as possible. We’d appreciate it if you can help promote the student’s work on social media (eg. Linkedin) after the successful completion of the project, but that is not required.
Get expert help so that you can focus on building the business
Join 60+ founders from Berkeley, Stanford, Skydeck, among others.
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